
Index > Help Tutorials > Virtualbox CLI
Virtualbox CLI
make base directory
mkdir -p /vbox
create ubuntu 1804 x64 machine
VBoxManage createvm --name U18 --ostype Ubuntu_64 --register --basefolder /vbox
change network type to bridged
VBoxManage modifyvm U18 --nic1 bridged
add storage controller
VBoxManage storagectl U18 --add sata
create 10gb hard drive type vdi
VBoxManage createhd --filename /vbox/U18/U18.vdi --size 10280 --format VDI --variant Standard
attach above hard drive
VBoxManage storageattach U18 --storagectl SATA --port 1 --type hdd --medium /vbox/U18/U18.vdi
increase system memory to 1gb, by default it is 128mb
VBoxManage modifyvm U18 --memory 1024
boot from network
VBoxManage modifyvm U18 --boot1 net
boot from hard disk
VBoxManage modifyvm U18 --boot1 disk
start virtual machine
VBoxManage startvm U18 --type gui
poweroff virtual machine
VBoxManage controlvm U18 poweroff